
Showing posts from July, 2020

an (un)helpful guide to malaria

 I’ve been advised by many people around me to start my articles with something eye catching, surprising, even breath-taking. I’ve never really known what that something should be and so, this is my little experiment. MALARIA    I believe that a word written in caps-lock is enough of an eye catch so I’m going to start with the serious business now. To actually catch the attention, let’s begin with the fact that makes diseases so interesting – death rate:   Even with the development of vaccinations and the undoubtable progressive course of pharmacy, malaria is still proved to kill almost half a million people yearly (just to compare, the current number of deaths caused by SARS-CoV-2 = the new coronavirus is approximately 450 thousands). With this rather astonishing number of dead people yearly, it shouldn’t be surprising that World Malaria Day exists, with the date 25/4 and the focus on its devastating effects and the progress in “curing the world”. And to make the impact and importance